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Mid-Term Review of the 11th Malaysia Plan

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, yesterday tabled the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan in the Dewan Rakyat, which represents the first policy document of the new Pakatan Harapan Government.

The 11th Malaysia Plan is a five year development plan for the country from 2016 to 2020, and this mid-term review basically reports on the progress achieved in 2016 and 2017, and the Government's plan and strategies for 2018 to 2020.

The mid-term review is divided into 6 pillars:

​Pillar 1 - Reforming Governance towards Greater Transparency and Enhancing Efficiency of Public Service

  • Strict enforcement of the doctrine of separation of powers between the three areas, namely, the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

  • Improve governance at all levels by strengthening check and balance mechanisms, improving relationship between the Federal, state and local governments as well as reforming the political system

  • Elevate integrity and accountability by enhancing the anti-corruption agenda, improving transparency and instilling noble values and ethical work practices.

  • Enforce prudent public finance management by improving the budgeting system and procurement management, and further strengthening performance management and evaluation framework.

  • Enhance public service delivery through reformation of public sector institutions and redesign of public services, as well as empowering local authorities.

Pillar 2 - Enhancing Inclusive Development and Wellbeing

  • Enhance inclusiveness towards an equitable society by raising B40 household income and improve their purchasing power, enhancing the Bumiputera Economic Community, empowering minority groups and addressing the needs of specific target groups.

  • Improve the wellbeing for all Malaysians by increasing their purchasing power, providing quality and affordable housing, significantly improving the healthcare delivery system, making Malaysians feel more secure and safe, and by promoting noble values and active lifestyles.

Pillar 3 - Pursuing Balanced Regional Development

  • Strengthen the regional economic development by streamlining state and regional development planning, modernising and diversifying the economic base, promoting competitive cities and enhancing subregional cooperation within ASEAN.

  • Bridge the gap between urban and rural development by improving rural infrastructure, urban-rural linkages and through the creation of economic activities in rural areas.

  • Accelerate development in East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) by intensifying economic growth, improving infrastructure for enhanced connectivity and access to amenities and services, increasing employment and job opportunities, as well as enhancing the development of customary land.

Pillar 4 - Empowering Human Capital

  • Reform the labour market by generating skilled jobs, raising salaries, improving the management of foreign labour, as well as labour market conditions.

  • Improve labour efficiency and productivity.

  • Enhance quality of education and training for all.

  • Strengthen the link between industry and academia by developing industry relevant skills and promoting contributions of society and industry.

Pillar 5 - Enhancing Environmental Sustainability through Green Growth

  • Strengthen governance through robust policy, legislation and institutional framework, improve capacity and capability and raising awareness.

  • Conserve natural resources like terrestrial and inland water areas, coastal and marine ecosystems and improving livelihood of indigenous and local communities.

  • Combat climate change and mitigate risks of natural disasters.

Pillar 6 - Strengthening Economic Growth

  • Strengthen sectoral growth and structural reforms through productivity improvements, improving export capacity and market efficiency, as well as improving the ease of doing business.

  • Accelerate innovation and technology adoption by harnessing Industry 4.0, enhancing adoption of latest technologies, aligning R&D and enhancing capacity building.

  • Provide quality infrastructure by developing an integrated transport system, improving logistics, trade facilitation, digital infrastructure and water services as well as sustainability of energy supply.

“If all that is contained in this document is implemented, I am confident that Malaysia will roar again as an Asian tiger." said the Prime Minister.


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